Up until this weekend, my two older kids shared a bedroom. They absolutely loved it and it allowed my husband and I to have a dedicated exercise room and guest room (we have a 5 bedroom house). However, as the kids got older their need for individual space became obvious. In addition, the toys and clothes were fairly bursting out of the closet and bureaus and my husband and I were considering squeezing more furniture into their already filled room. We realized that although it's wonderful to have a dedicated guest room, that we have furniture and space that was poorly utilized 90% of the time and was only really used a few weeks out of the year. So we spent Saturday afternoon shuffling the downstairs guest room furniture upstairs and moving our study/gym downstairs. Although we no longer have a dedicated guest room, the amount of furniture is the same. When we have guests my daughter will bunk in with her brother just like they did for years (and we did as kids when family came to visit) and our guests will still have a queen size bed and a room to themselves - even if it is pink. The change was met with two very enthusiastic kids who love having a little space to themselves. My husband and I are happy b/c we still have our gym/study which we love! :)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The King's Speech
I absolutely love movies. My husband and I don't get to the movie theater as often as we used to so we try to reserve our outings for movies we deem worthy of the big screen. After a long busy day filled with a dance lesson, errands, and having friends over for lunch and moving furniture for a few hours, we happily left the kids with a sitter for a few hours to go see The King's Speech. Our time and money was VERY well spent.
As a long time Colin Firth fan I pretty much see all of his movies. My husband obliges because the movies are usually good and this one is no exception. In this film he plays King George VI who succeeded his brother to the British throne (he was the husband of the late Queen Mum, and father to Elizabeth II, etc) and suffered from a terrible stutter. A reluctant monarch, King George VI faced the task of rallying his country on the eve of World War 2 through the new media outlet of radio. His speech therapist is played by a wonderfully clever Geoffrey Rush who develops such an endearing character, you'll wish you could step through the screen and have a meal with Lionel to get to know him better.
As a long time Colin Firth fan I pretty much see all of his movies. My husband obliges because the movies are usually good and this one is no exception. In this film he plays King George VI who succeeded his brother to the British throne (he was the husband of the late Queen Mum, and father to Elizabeth II, etc) and suffered from a terrible stutter. A reluctant monarch, King George VI faced the task of rallying his country on the eve of World War 2 through the new media outlet of radio. His speech therapist is played by a wonderfully clever Geoffrey Rush who develops such an endearing character, you'll wish you could step through the screen and have a meal with Lionel to get to know him better.
The story is great, the acting is wonderful, and the direction brings out the best of both. I was surprised that the movie was rated R given the topic but understood why after the scene where King George realizes that in addition to not stuttering when he sings and talks to himself, he also doesn't stutter when he curses. Other than that and one other scene the language is clean and there are no violent or improper scenes. The movie is an Oscar favorite this year and rightly so. If you're looking for an all around good movie, I highly recommend The King's Speech.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Back in Business + a Dining Delimma
After my pity party post about being sick of being sick, one of docs I work with in clinic took a quick listen to my lungs yesterday and to my surprise & glee they were mostly CLEAR! Just one or two slight cracks! What a difference from a week ago when they sounded like popcorn popping! Therefore, I can start running again and ease into training for tri season! My goal is an Olympic distance this year - the one I have my sights on is in Sept. Plenty of time to get ready. I ran a couple of easy miles yesterday and will probably only run 3-4 miles until the end of Feb. Then I really need to work back up to 8-10. The Olympic tri running distance is only a 10K, but it comes after a 1 mile swim, & 40K bike, so I need to train well above 6 miles to finish strong. In fact, that's what I'm going to try for all the distances - train to 1.5 or 2 times the race distance. I'm not sure my rear end will like sitting on a bike saddle for 50 miles - but that's what it's going to take. I'm so excited to get started!
On another topic, my youngest has decided that he is too big for his high chair. He wants to sit at the table with the rest of the family. He expressed his opinion by screaming loudly and arching his back when I try to put him in the high chair. When I put him down, he promptly crawls into one of the chairs at the table and looks at me expectantly. Our table (without the leaf in it) works fine to seat 4, but unfortunately, we'll need to add the leaf for 5. When the leaf is added, it makes it an oval shape which doesn't really work in our kitchen...hmmm...what to do? Maybe Craig's list will have an answer. :)
On another topic, my youngest has decided that he is too big for his high chair. He wants to sit at the table with the rest of the family. He expressed his opinion by screaming loudly and arching his back when I try to put him in the high chair. When I put him down, he promptly crawls into one of the chairs at the table and looks at me expectantly. Our table (without the leaf in it) works fine to seat 4, but unfortunately, we'll need to add the leaf for 5. When the leaf is added, it makes it an oval shape which doesn't really work in our kitchen...hmmm...what to do? Maybe Craig's list will have an answer. :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Poisons & Antidotes
Okay, so I post things about my family all the time but rarely anything about what I do for a living. This week, the class I teach was particularly fun b/c the topic was poisons & antidotes. Below are some pictures of my students from lab this week. Students learned to correlate certain smells with common toxic agents for identification purposes. We pharmacists actually do a lot in this area. The poison control center for our state is actually a pharmacist run operation. There is nothing like having your kid drink a bottle of Zyrtec, and not having any references at home, having to call the poison center to get the info and talking to your co-worker.
Since pharmacists are also responsible for calculating the doses for antidotes and compounding them, I had my students get a little taste of what they will be trying to get the patient to ingest - let me tell you, antidotes don't taste great and are rarely given in small amounts - we're talking cups! Below was the best for pictures b/c this one stains teeth pretty bad when you drink it (don't worry - a swig of
water takes care of the stain)
My partner in crime this week was our toxicology guru on faculty. He is notorious for always wearing a bow tie. In his honor, several of my students did the same.
This week was just one example of why I love what I do. The best thing about this particular lab was that a former student who I taught my first year on faculty actually came back taking time out of his work schedule (he is now working in toxicology) to assist this week - talk about making an instructor feel good. :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tired of Rest
Is it possible to be tired of resting? It has been about 2 weeks since I was diagnosed with pneumonia and pleuritic pain and has been about 2 months since I felt 100% since the infection was probably manifesting some time between Thanksgiving and Christmas and I am SO READY to be done with sickness, injury, and rest.
As of last Friday my lungs were still pretty cruddy with crackles and rales that were STILL distinctly audible. The pleuritic pain has finally started improving and has improved quite a bit this past week. However, I made a promise to my husband, health care provider, and friends that I would not run or start training for anything until the pain is 100% gone and my lungs are clear.
To most people this would not be a big deal. I am still exercising 5 times a week by walking and doing the elliptical trainer at a moderate pace. These past few months have made me realize that for me the benefits of exercise have a higher correlation with intensity of workouts than duration or type. While I can walk on the treadmill right now, I can't walk at a pace faster than 4 mph without experiencing pleuritic pain with each breath. The issue is similar with the elliptical. As a result of this, I'm not getting the benefits of exercise that I used to and am not sleeping as well and feel sluggish throughout the day.
Being sick has made me lose some weight. I've lost muscle, my clothes are hanging unattractively, and the large circles under my eyes make me look older. I was commenting to one of the physicians in clinic where I work that I wish there was a way to put all the benefits of exercise that I have been missing in a pill form. She reminded me that there is an illegal option, speed, or injectable variations of meds that imitate adrenaline. No thanks! Too bad all the folks out there on speed don't realize that they could get the same effects for free and legally - it's called exercise.
At least I learned some valuable lessons from this.
1. Go to the doctor earlier when you feel sick. A two week rule should work, if I'm not mostly better in 2 weeks after a cold or virus, it's time to go in.
2. When I am sick (even if I think it's just a cold or something small), rest then. If I had stopped running outside in the cold back in early December when things started getting worse, my lungs might have been able to recover on their own.
3. Prevention is necessary. This is in the form of meds & overall health. I need to take my vitamin, remember to get enough calcium + D, take medications to help prevent conditions from progressing (eg, I should have been taking a decongestant, & and an expectorant after the cold to remove the gunk that bacteria could grow in). Considering meds are my specialty, you would think that I would be good at taking them. Well, I'm not. I don't even like to take Tylenol for a headache.
I will keep my promise and continue to rest until all my body has healed. Data has shown that it takes about a month to fully recover from pneumonia so only another 2 weeks to go!
As of last Friday my lungs were still pretty cruddy with crackles and rales that were STILL distinctly audible. The pleuritic pain has finally started improving and has improved quite a bit this past week. However, I made a promise to my husband, health care provider, and friends that I would not run or start training for anything until the pain is 100% gone and my lungs are clear.
To most people this would not be a big deal. I am still exercising 5 times a week by walking and doing the elliptical trainer at a moderate pace. These past few months have made me realize that for me the benefits of exercise have a higher correlation with intensity of workouts than duration or type. While I can walk on the treadmill right now, I can't walk at a pace faster than 4 mph without experiencing pleuritic pain with each breath. The issue is similar with the elliptical. As a result of this, I'm not getting the benefits of exercise that I used to and am not sleeping as well and feel sluggish throughout the day.
Being sick has made me lose some weight. I've lost muscle, my clothes are hanging unattractively, and the large circles under my eyes make me look older. I was commenting to one of the physicians in clinic where I work that I wish there was a way to put all the benefits of exercise that I have been missing in a pill form. She reminded me that there is an illegal option, speed, or injectable variations of meds that imitate adrenaline. No thanks! Too bad all the folks out there on speed don't realize that they could get the same effects for free and legally - it's called exercise.
At least I learned some valuable lessons from this.
1. Go to the doctor earlier when you feel sick. A two week rule should work, if I'm not mostly better in 2 weeks after a cold or virus, it's time to go in.
2. When I am sick (even if I think it's just a cold or something small), rest then. If I had stopped running outside in the cold back in early December when things started getting worse, my lungs might have been able to recover on their own.
3. Prevention is necessary. This is in the form of meds & overall health. I need to take my vitamin, remember to get enough calcium + D, take medications to help prevent conditions from progressing (eg, I should have been taking a decongestant, & and an expectorant after the cold to remove the gunk that bacteria could grow in). Considering meds are my specialty, you would think that I would be good at taking them. Well, I'm not. I don't even like to take Tylenol for a headache.
I will keep my promise and continue to rest until all my body has healed. Data has shown that it takes about a month to fully recover from pneumonia so only another 2 weeks to go!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Lots in Common
My 16 (almost 17) month old has a lot in common with the Tazmanian devil or "Taz" for short. Wikipedia describes Taz as follows:
As the youngest of the Looney Tunes, the Tasmanian Devil, or 'Taz' as he has come to be known, is generally portrayed as a dim-witted teenager-type with a notoriously short temper and little patience. He will eat anything and everything, with an appetite that seems to know no bounds. He is best known for his speech consisting mostly of grunts, growls and rasps, and his ability to spin and bite through just about anything.
While he may not be a teenager, my son fits that description in quite a few ways...short temper, little patience, eating anything, loves to spin... Add to that, "enjoys climbing on dangerous heights, taking toys from other children, and pulling dishes out of the dishwasher" and they could be twins!
Okay, I guess my baby does do a few things that "Taz" doesn't do. He gives the sweetest kisses, raises his eyebrows up the cutest way when he's asking for his sippy cup, roars fabulously when impersonating a lion, loves being read to, and expresses his creativity through impromptu piano concerts and crayon scribble scrabble. He may be a mess right now, but we love him dearly! Who could resist this face?
Monday, January 24, 2011
A New Look
My daughter has a new look - bangs! They make her look like a kid rather than a toddler. Where did my baby go? She's getting so big!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
For the Love of Cooking
In case you couldn't tell, I love to cook. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than preparing a meal for my family to share and enjoy together. Family mealtime is something I refuse to sacrifice despite our busy schedules during the week. It hasn't always been easy, but by cooking larger main dishes a few times per week, and getting a variety of sides (vegetables), putting meals together have not been nearly as daunting as they were when I started blogging a few months ago.
For example, this week I made a double batch of chili on Saturday (we had company that night) that will feed us once next week, plus be enough for a lunch or two. Tonight, since our church small group isn't meeting I planned to make a ham that will not only feed us tonight and next week, but will also make sandwiches and snacks for my family for another month or more (after dinner, I'll freeze about 6-7 batches for future use). I'm also using this evening to make the cornbread & cook the chicken for tomorrow night's casserole. For sides this week, I got a variety of fresh vegetables such as sweet potatoes, broccoli & salad items, and also have some frozen packages that can be microwaved or stove top steamed just prior to dinner.
One of my favorite things about cooking is that my daughter seems to have inherited that interest and loves to help. The time we spend together in the kitchen is so special. Below is a picture I took yesterday after we made a batch of fresh whipped cream for the pie we were serving for company. One of the perks of being mommy's helper is that she gets to lick the bowl (and in yesterday's case, the whisk!). :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
So Thankful for Miss Gina
We are so very blessed to have Miss Gina in our lives. She watches the kids while I'm at work on the days they are not in school. We have actually worked it out so that she will be with the kids 2 days a week and they will be at school 2 days a week (I'm home the other day) for this semester. She is wonderful Christian gal who is awesome with kids. She has a knack for being loads of fun while still making the kids mind and behave. Since I'm not with them every day, Gina will post pictures of the kids to facebook so I can see what they're up to during the day. Below are some of the pictures she has taken. The swings are from today. Miss Gina is a blessing to us and our whole family loves her dearly. You can tell my son thinks she's pretty cool - he make a special effort to have her name and age spelled out for her one day. Thank you for all you do, Gina. You're wonderful!
Kids outside swinging today
Hot chocolate on a cold winter day
Kids pretending to be firefighters
Enjoying the beautiful weather
Miss Gina our superstar!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
So Many Surprises and Back to Business
On my husband's side of the family, December and early January are birthday months! Both my husband and mother in law have their birthdays in early January just a few days apart. This year was a big one for my MIL. Therefore, my FIL did a wonderful job of planning a surprise dinner & birthday party for her at a restaurant in town. From what I understand, she was completely surprised! My husband and youngest son were there to help celebrate! My MIL is a very special, dear person and she has one of the most service and people oriented hearts of anyone I've ever met. We are all so glad she had a wonderful birthday. Love you Grammy! (sorry that the pictures don't capture the event very well. My husband was trying to take pictures while chasing a 16 month old - not an easy job!)
The kids & I threw a little birthday party for my husband at our favorite local restaurant. We also got him a new ipod shuffle and a few other smaller items.
The kids & I threw a little birthday party for my husband at our favorite local restaurant. We also got him a new ipod shuffle and a few other smaller items.
The university rapidly came to life this week. The empty parking lots are filled and the quiet hallways are bustling and noisy again. I have to say, I love it! Juggling work into caring for my family is not always easy; however, at the end of the day, I wouldn't change it. There is never a dull moment for faculty and every day brings new opportunities for collaboration, teaching innovation, and service. I'm so lucky to work there.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Perfection Versus Practicality in the Land of Healthy Eating
Well as I mentioned before, I spent about a month looking into ways to encourage healthy eating habits in my kids and along the way have found some tips that help our whole family. My favorite book remains, "Real Food for Healthy Kids". "Deceptively Delicious" was an interesting book, but I don't think deceiving my kids is a good way to help them develop good eating habits. After all, who will sneak cauliflower puree into their mac & cheese when they're adults? Additionally, several books I read had wonderful ideas, but they were simply not ones that I, practicality wise, can follow. As a working mom, I plan meals and go to one grocery store once per week - that's all I can manage. Therefore, everything I have tried fits that parameter. So...here are a few things that worked for us...please don't think I am recommending anything, just sharing.
1. Veggie appetizers: When my family gets home in the evening, they're hungry. In fact, often they're so hungry that they're "hangry" (which is a term used by my sister to describe the cranky, ornery feeling that accompanies hunger). In the past, my husband has poured himself a beer and dug into a can of heavily salted mixed nuts and my kids have asked for crackers or chips. Recently, I began setting out some fresh raw veggies and ranch dressing for dipping. At first my kids would only eat carrots, but lately they have branched out into sugar snap beans, cucumbers, etc. I plan to try broccoli & cauliflower next week. Not only does it abate the "hanger", it gets another serving of fresh veggies into our diets.
2. Selective Organics: I've learned to be selective about what I buy organic and what I buy conventional for several reasons. There are certain items that are critical to buy organic because the items absorb some of the chemicals used in conventional farming, dairy, etc. However, I also things there are plenty of items that are available as organic when the conventional products are probably not harmful. Also I think the benefits versus cost has to be considered.
1. Veggie appetizers: When my family gets home in the evening, they're hungry. In fact, often they're so hungry that they're "hangry" (which is a term used by my sister to describe the cranky, ornery feeling that accompanies hunger). In the past, my husband has poured himself a beer and dug into a can of heavily salted mixed nuts and my kids have asked for crackers or chips. Recently, I began setting out some fresh raw veggies and ranch dressing for dipping. At first my kids would only eat carrots, but lately they have branched out into sugar snap beans, cucumbers, etc. I plan to try broccoli & cauliflower next week. Not only does it abate the "hanger", it gets another serving of fresh veggies into our diets.
2. Selective Organics: I've learned to be selective about what I buy organic and what I buy conventional for several reasons. There are certain items that are critical to buy organic because the items absorb some of the chemicals used in conventional farming, dairy, etc. However, I also things there are plenty of items that are available as organic when the conventional products are probably not harmful. Also I think the benefits versus cost has to be considered.
- For produce I buy the organic versions of thin skinned fruits and vegetables (apples, grapes, tomatoes, etc), and tend to buy conventional for items with thicker skin (eggplant, bananas, etc). This is just a rule of thumb - there are dozens of books on this if you're interested in learning more.
- Milk: I only buy organic milk - there is good data on this in my opinion.
- Meats: this is hit or miss with me - I'm going to be perfectly honest. Would it be best to buy 100% organic meats all the time - yes, but it's not always practical or available. So, I do the best I can here. Plus, when you're faced with the decision of whether to spend $6.99 on a conventional (but brand name) chicken to roast versus an organic one that costs $25, the miser in me will always win. :)
3. Limiting simple sugars. Unlike most, I do not think high fructose corn syrup is the devil (gasp!). However, I do think simple sugar in general (in all forms; white, brown, raw, and also in the forms of starches such as crackers, tortillas, potatoes, etc) can be problematic because these items are high in calories, and cause insulin surges and subsequent blood sugar highs and lows. My answer to this is to limit those items and snacking in general. Instead of crackers & other "carb-y"snacks, my kids have been eating fruit, string cheese, veggies, yogurt, or small amounts of protein (a bit of leftover roast chicken or turkey, etc). In addition, these snacks are very small. I have noticed my kids eating better at mealtimes and being more willing to try new items at meals since they are hungrier when the sit down at the table. Desserts are only served on the weekends or if we have company. I took all our Christmas candy and froze it and only take out small amounts on the weekends.
Okay, this turned into a bit of a novel. I truly enjoy experimenting and trying new things - so does my husband. We're both crazy scientists at heart. Please remember that these are just my thoughts and what works for me and my family.
Monday, January 17, 2011
What is it about Colorado?
What is it about the state of Colorado that makes everyone who visits fall in love with it? Dozens of songs have been composed about it's beauty. Many of our American Wild West tales involve Colorado (it was Doc Holiday's favorite place because the arid, cool climate and hot springs soothed his TB racked body- he actually spent the last part of his life around the Glenwood Springs/ Vail/ Leadville area). I think Colorado is special because it brings out the adventurer in even most "indoor" person. Whether you're at the top of a mountain about to ski down or hiking up to an alpine lake, the serenity and vastness of your surroundings makes you feel like you could do anything. I missed taking part in the skiing this year (hence the first chipper then surly post from a few days ago) but look forward to getting back in the game soon. Below is the gorgeous view of Vail from our condo.
I am a proud mama of two adorable little skiers (and the extremely proud wife of a man who was skiing blacks & moguls!). Below are my two oldest after an exciting day at ski school. This was my daughter's first time on the slopes and from what I understand she was a little hesitant during the morning session, but found her stride in the afternoon. I wonder if she had a particularly good run towards the end because she's telling everyone, "I was too fast for my ski teachers!"...hmmm...I doubt that, but she had fun and wants to go again soon. After a rocky start on the slopes last year, my son had a wonderful time this year. He also found his stride and made some great progress. Most importantly, both really enjoyed it.
In our condo, the four kids had a great time playing and resting after a long day. In addition to skiing, there was plenty of fun to be had playing in the snow, warming up in the hot tub, and exploring the Vail ski village.
I am a proud mama of two adorable little skiers (and the extremely proud wife of a man who was skiing blacks & moguls!). Below are my two oldest after an exciting day at ski school. This was my daughter's first time on the slopes and from what I understand she was a little hesitant during the morning session, but found her stride in the afternoon. I wonder if she had a particularly good run towards the end because she's telling everyone, "I was too fast for my ski teachers!"...hmmm...I doubt that, but she had fun and wants to go again soon. After a rocky start on the slopes last year, my son had a wonderful time this year. He also found his stride and made some great progress. Most importantly, both really enjoyed it.
In our condo, the four kids had a great time playing and resting after a long day. In addition to skiing, there was plenty of fun to be had playing in the snow, warming up in the hot tub, and exploring the Vail ski village.
The fun rapidly came to an end when my daughter caught a bug and was up most of last night vomiting and coughing. She'll be staying home from school tomorrow. Back to reality! But when I'm arguing with a testy student this week or cleaning up vomit from a sick kiddo, I'll go to my happy, peaceful place - watching the snow silently fall on the mountains of Colorado.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
House Mom for the Weekend
We drove up to Vail, Colorado yesterday for a ski weekend with our dear friends. I was given a stern talking to by my provider, husband, and both sets of parents (biological & in-laws) about not overdoing it and resting, and I am happy to say that I am following everyone's advice. The 4 big kids and 3 healthy adults headed out this morning for a hopefully wonderful day on the slopes, while I am staying back and playing house mom this weekend (with my trusty 16 month old helper!). Below are my little skiers all ready for the day after a hearty breakfast (except for my daughter who refused to eat - oh well, she's the ski school's problem today!)
Thankfully we're staying a wonderful ski resort compete with heated pool, sauna, hot tub, workout room (which although I did visit this morning, kept my workout to 30 minutes and walked instead of ran on the treadmill - see how good I'm being!), and a kid activity room. At 11, they have family craft time in the kid activity room, and I plan on taking my little man to that activity.
Thankfully we're staying a wonderful ski resort compete with heated pool, sauna, hot tub, workout room (which although I did visit this morning, kept my workout to 30 minutes and walked instead of ran on the treadmill - see how good I'm being!), and a kid activity room. At 11, they have family craft time in the kid activity room, and I plan on taking my little man to that activity.
I also brought along a couple of books. The first is called The Four Pillars of Finance, by William Bernstein. I'm venturing into the investment world this year and I could use a little guidance. So far, this book is wonderful for someone like me because it is written by a physician rather than a finance guru, so we speak the same language and the book is easy for me to understand.
I also brought Triathlon 101 by John Mora, and The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland 2011. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to be sidelined for a while - not when you have a sweet little boy to play with and wonderful books to read. Plus, I'll have to have a yummy dinner ready for the ski troops when they return tired and famished. Tonight we're having lasagne, salad, and apple pie for dessert...if you're in the Vail area - come on by! :)
Addendum: Okay, I've now been cooped up in the condo all day and my demeanor is not as sunny as it was when I posted this earlier - I'm bored and stir-crazy. My husband just called to say he was watching the big kids having a blast in ski school. He said the powder is perfect and that he is exhausted from the great skiing. I am bummed not to get to see the kids and cheer for them (it's my daughter's first day of skiing and I've missed it!) and I haven't been able to read my books since my littlest is in a very "high-maintenance" phase (although I have loved having him all to myself today - he is such a sweetie - he learned to give kisses today). Lastly, I haven't done any activity that would justify me eating that delicious apple pie (I can't count that 30 minute treadmill meander as any sort of true workout) - so what if the pneumonia has made me lose a few pounds, that yummy dinner would taste so much better after a long day of skiing. Grump, grump, grump... >:(
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sweet Friends
Thank you to all my sweet friends who have called, sent messages, and even brought us dinner. You all are such a blessing to me and my family! Love You!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I almost cancelled my appointment for this morning thinking my cough and right sided pain was getting better on it's own. I'm glad I didn't because I found out that I have pneumonia along with a pulled muscle under my ribs from coughing. Apparently, I've been walking around with this for weeks - I even ran on the treadmill yesterday although I was frustrated that I felt sluggish and couldn't maintain my pace. Well, at least now I know why.
I'm a little down about this because the last comment my provider (who I love and really respect) made before I left was, "You really need to slow down". That almost brought me to tears because while I would love to, how am I supposed to slow down??? The cooking, dishes, & laundry still need to be done, my children and husband still need me, there are 90 third year pharmacy students starting back the semester next week expecting their instructor to be ready to go, and we are supposed to go skiing this weekend so we can spend time with friends and so my sweet girl can put on skis for the first time and my older boy can improve from last year - they are both really looking forward to it - how can I slow down?
Sigh...this too shall pass and hopefully in a week or so once the antibiotic has done it's job I won't need to slow down - that's the hope anyway. :)
I'm a little down about this because the last comment my provider (who I love and really respect) made before I left was, "You really need to slow down". That almost brought me to tears because while I would love to, how am I supposed to slow down??? The cooking, dishes, & laundry still need to be done, my children and husband still need me, there are 90 third year pharmacy students starting back the semester next week expecting their instructor to be ready to go, and we are supposed to go skiing this weekend so we can spend time with friends and so my sweet girl can put on skis for the first time and my older boy can improve from last year - they are both really looking forward to it - how can I slow down?
Sigh...this too shall pass and hopefully in a week or so once the antibiotic has done it's job I won't need to slow down - that's the hope anyway. :)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Missing My Baby Boy
My husband has been gone this past weekend surprising his mom for her birthday. He was a real trooper and took our 16 month old with him. It sounds like they have had a wonderful time! Below are a couple of pictures my dad sent me. One is my son with his great grandfather (love this one!) and the other is him with my mother. The big kids and I also had a great time here. We played games, ran errands, cooked, and snuggled and watched movies. It was such a special time for me to spend with my two older kids and I'm thankful for it.
However, I am ready to have my baby boy and his daddy home- I miss them! Although I enjoyed the diaper-free days, I miss my sweet baby! I'm ready to hug him, have him look at me with his big bassett hound brown eyes and ask for more food (which he does all the time), and to hear his mischevious cackle as he runs through the house chasing his siblings. Can't wait to hold him! And as for my husband, I've missed my my best friend. Love him and can't wait to have him home!

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Real Food for Healthy Kids - Thumbs up!
As I mentioned a few posts ago I have been exploring books on child nutrition and how to encourage kids to be healthy eaters for life. While I still have several to finish, the first book that I have really enjoyed and found helpful is Real Food for Healthy Kids.
I found this book informative, congruent with the the medical guidelines, and best of all, applicable! The recommendations and recipes are things I can do without breaking the bank and by only going to the grocery store once a week. Just as an FYI, this book is different from the Real Food series by Nina Planck.
My favorite sections of this book are the first few chapters on basic nutrition for children and table tips, the lunch & dinner recipe section, vegetable sides section, and snack section. At our house the meals I struggle with the most are dinners, lunches at home (the school my kids attend has a chef who specializes in healthy, nutritious, low sugar meals - as much as I hate to say it, my kids eat healthier at school than when they are home with me!), and snacks. Snacks are the hardest since the easiest and most requested items are usually Nilla wafers or pudding...not exactly the healthiest choices. The Real Food for Healthy Kids also has a website. http://realfoodforhealthykids.com/ which I perused briefly but not in depth.
The next book on my list is Deceptively Delicious, by Jessica Seinfeld (yup - Jerry's wife). I'm excited to read it!
However, from the Real Food for Health Kids book, the first recipe I want to try is for Crispy Jamaican Pork with pan fried bananas - it sounds pretty good!
I found this book informative, congruent with the the medical guidelines, and best of all, applicable! The recommendations and recipes are things I can do without breaking the bank and by only going to the grocery store once a week. Just as an FYI, this book is different from the Real Food series by Nina Planck.
My favorite sections of this book are the first few chapters on basic nutrition for children and table tips, the lunch & dinner recipe section, vegetable sides section, and snack section. At our house the meals I struggle with the most are dinners, lunches at home (the school my kids attend has a chef who specializes in healthy, nutritious, low sugar meals - as much as I hate to say it, my kids eat healthier at school than when they are home with me!), and snacks. Snacks are the hardest since the easiest and most requested items are usually Nilla wafers or pudding...not exactly the healthiest choices. The Real Food for Healthy Kids also has a website. http://realfoodforhealthykids.com/ which I perused briefly but not in depth.
The next book on my list is Deceptively Delicious, by Jessica Seinfeld (yup - Jerry's wife). I'm excited to read it!
However, from the Real Food for Health Kids book, the first recipe I want to try is for Crispy Jamaican Pork with pan fried bananas - it sounds pretty good!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Sick - Noticing a Pattern
Last night's party went great! My husband had a great time! I'll post some pictures over the weekend. Right now I am sick. The small cold I caught around Thanksgiving has settled in my lungs in a terrible way. I have been coughing for about 4 weeks now and it has been getting progressively worse over the last 10 days. Earlier this week, I got an awful pain in my right ribs when coughing and have been in pain ever since. I can barely pick up the kids right now, can't lay on my right side, and can't run or exercise very aggressively. Like most health care professionals, I'm a terrible patient and should have gone in to get this looked at weeks ago instead of thinking it would go away eventually. Unfortunately, the earliest I can be seen is Tuesday so I'm taking lots of NSAID's right now to try to control the pain.
Upon hearing me hack and moan in my office today my good friend and co-worker commented, "Boy, I hope this cough isn't like the one you had last year. That one lasted for months!". It was then that I realized - SHE'S RIGHT! I have gotten this every single winter for the past 3 years! Each year it gets a little worse. I'm so glad she said that because the pattern became obvious! Now when I go in Tues, I'll not only talk about getting well this time, but what I can do next winter to prevent it!
Upon hearing me hack and moan in my office today my good friend and co-worker commented, "Boy, I hope this cough isn't like the one you had last year. That one lasted for months!". It was then that I realized - SHE'S RIGHT! I have gotten this every single winter for the past 3 years! Each year it gets a little worse. I'm so glad she said that because the pattern became obvious! Now when I go in Tues, I'll not only talk about getting well this time, but what I can do next winter to prevent it!
On another note I realized today that summer and warmer weather is only a few months away! Hooray! For me this spring it will mean getting back into bikini shape. I wore my 2 piece last year and felt comfortable in it, but definitely noticed that what once was firm was quite the opposite. I'd like to get back that "firmness" before our trip to Hawaii this summer. Not sure if that's possible after 3 babies, but I'm gonna give it a try! :) This is similar to the one I want....although I'm almost 100% sure that this model has never had a baby!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
SSShhhh - It's a Surprise!!!
Now that my husband is a work, I can post that we're having a surprise birthday party for him tonight!!! He's turns 35 today! This is the first birthday in a LONG time that he has been with us because he is usually at a professional conference the first week of January. am so happy and excited to be able to plan this for him! I haven't told the kids yet (although my oldest overheard me planning it on the phone and started asking questions) but will when I pick them up from school today. They're not the best at keeping secrets right now. :) I'm hoping and praying it goes well!!! I'm a little nervous! I'll post pictures soon!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Off to a Great Start!
Well, day 1 of the post holiday bustle is off to a good start. The big kids were up, dressed, and fed by 6:30. My husband and I both hit the machines at 5:30AM so we've gotten in our workouts (having equipment in our house is the best time saver ever - we use our treadmill, elliptical, and bikes, on a trainer, regularly and we can work out together since we have several options - worth every penny we've spent and saves us a bunch in gym costs and time driving to and from)! I've planned my workouts so that I take Wed & Sunday off each week (run 3 times, elliptical once or twice, bike once or twice) so tomorrow I'll get to sleep until 6 instead of 5 - yippee! Dinner will be able to be on the table within 20 minutes of me walking in the door this evening. Now if only we can keep it up for the rest of the year. :) Below are happy (mostly - we did have one tantrum), dressed kids, ready to go to school!
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