Friday, July 30, 2010
Now That's Confidence!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Something happened to my running enthusiasm after we finished school and moved. Maybe it was the difficulty of acclimating to running at altitude, or maybe I was just looking for a new challenge after 10 years of pounding the pavement. I found a new love in the tri-sport. I began training for and completing triathlons. This past summer I have enjoyed completing about 4 of them with my last one coming up in a couple of weeks. After that, I'm going to hang up my tri-suit until next February. I hope to pick it back up next year.
My friend recently loaned me a book called "Born to Run" and it has really re-energized my desire to run. You can see about it at the below link.
So, for the first time in almost a decade, I'm going to try distance running again. A marathon is a bit much for me right now b/c I frankly don't have the time for that kind of training, nor do I have the joints, but a 1/2 is a decent goal and there is one coming up in Oct (actually right around my birthday!). I found a good training schedule online and have tailored it to 3 runs/week rather than 4 (see below). Oddly enough, training for the 1/2 will be less time consuming than training for tri's and I'm looking forward to concentrating on one sport for a while. It will be fun!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mommies & Daughters

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Hospitality Kick -Off
The primary challenge that arose was thanks to the weather. Where we live it is sunny and dry about 90% of the year. Well, this weekend has been part of the other 10% and it has been rainy and humid. This put a damper on my initial plans to have everyone eat (and the kids play) outside. Instead, we had 6 adults and 8 kids (4 & under) all inside. Below is a picture of 4 of the 8.
Seating was easy - we have two kids tables that we set out for the kids and the adults ate in the dining room. Entertainment for the kids got a little hairy towards the end as it got close to bed time, but a little movie called "Up" came to the rescue and gave the kids a little down time for a while.
I did something a little different food-wise and instead of individual items (such as individual corn on the cobs, etc), I stuck more with larger casserole-type dishes. This made prep and cooking SO MUCH easier for a larger group - I did most of the prep on Friday evening & Sat morning and just popped everything in the oven an hour or so before it was time to eat. We had burgers & fixins, hot dogs for the kids, baked beans, hashbrown casserole, & slaw. Dessert was simple with brownies & rice krispie treats.
The best part was involving my kids in the process (they were happy to help with the brownies & rice krispie treats, not so much with picking up their room) and chatting with them about being a "host" and "hostess". We still need to tackle the concept of why it's not polite to come downstairs naked when you have guests - that happened a couple of times due to potty issues & the wardrobe changes, but hopefully they'll learn that soon. It was fun!!!
Next week will be more of a challenge b/c we're having our minister & his wife and one of our church elders & his wife over. I really hope my kids don't come downstairs naked when they are here!

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Martha or Mary?
I am far more like Martha than Mary. I completely understand and sympathaize with poor Martha who is working her tail off so that her household and appearances would be perfect. I understand being irritated when people are late (although I'd like to think I would have stopped short of rebuking Jesus) and resenting the fact that others can sit and do nothing while she works nonstop. I envy the "Mary's" out there who are truly untroubled by a messy house, who don't see it as a problem if her family eats Pizza Hut rather than an organic, balanced, from-scratch meal, and who puts little value on appearances and much value on relationships. I would like to be more like that.
This week, I started taking a look around to see how to make my life more "Mary-like". This is difficult and makes me very uncomfortable b/c I dislike idleness with a passion and equate it with laziness, and am a perfectionist to the core. For me, this is a discipline that I need to master. Hopefully, discipline in this area will open the door to a more "Mary-like" existence and one that I'd be proud for my children to follow.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Good Ole' Christian Hospitality
As a child and adult there are many women I have admired for their hospitality and willingness to open their homes. My mother is the first - I remember her planning parties and having friends/co-workers over for dinner regularly...she made it look easy - the worst part was that I would have to pick up my room! As an adult, there are specifically two wonderful women who I admire for the ease, grace, and humility with which they entertain. I only hope to be half as gracious of a hostess as both Sheryl Blazer and Patty Pieper.
My husband and I have been thinking about hospitality and how it can be a vital part of a group of friends or a community of faith. Therefore, I am challenging us to open our home and have friends, neighbors, or members of our church family, over for a meal at least 3 times a month (ideally 4) for the next 6 months. Included in that is moving outside my comfort zone and inviting people of different ages & demographics who we do not know very well but would not usually think of to have over for dinner. Hopefully, the more we stretch outside our comforts, the more we will grow from this challenge. I'll definitely share what goes right and what goes wrong (hopefully more will go right then wrong - hopefully!)...it will be fun! I'm already wondering...what in the world am I going to fix for 18 dinners?!? My go-to company meal of lasagne is going to get old if we eat it every week! Yikes!
Operation Organization
However, I did figure out laundry and found that if I start it on either Friday or Sat evening, it is done within 24 hours (as long as I stay on top of it). I prefer to have 24 hrs of laundry to spreading it out over the entire week. I do have an awesome new detergent for workout clothes & towels that I'll share in another post - I'm going to start buying it in bulk. It's AWESOME!
Now for menu planning/dinners. I organized our meals & prep as below. The red beans & rice for today & Wed are already in the crockpot. Going to the grocery store on my way home from work was wonderful! I was in and out in less than 45 minutes!
Monday: red beans & rice (prep was soaking the beans, & chopping onions, etc). Now, the beans will cook all day and I'll fix rice when I get home (shouldn't take more than 30 minutes for me to get dinner on the table tonight)
Tuesday: this is a freebie this week b/c we're going out w/some friends who are moving.
Wednesday: leftovers from Monday - this will have to be quick b/c we have about an hour from the time we get home until we leave for church
Thursday: baked chicken & ceasar salad. I'll do all of my chicken prep before work (that should take about 20mins) so that all I have to do is put the chicken in the oven and make the salad while it's baking. This will be about 45 minutes from home to table b/c the chicken has to bake that long
Friday: pineapple baked ham steak & lemon sauteed green beans (both of these receipes are from the awesome Weight Watchers cookbook - love it!). I'll trim & cook the green beans while the ham steak is in the oven. Should take about 45 minutes from home to table.
Okay - so we'll see how meals for this week work out. My next task is to figure out a way to get in longer workouts in the morning before work. This is going to be tough but the answer is easy - get up earlier....sigh. I'll tackle that next week! ;)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Swimsuit Snafu & Dinner Dilemmas
However, since I gave up the "catch-up" days that I used to get organized, prepare meals, do laundry, etc, it has been a new challenge to fit them in. In general, I like to do "chores" during the week so that our weekends are free and open for fun. Balancing the chores and keeping all our activities straight has definitely been more of a challenge.
The lack of organization manifested itself in a swimsuit snafu that yesterday when I mixed up the "water play" days of my older two kids' classes at school. My son was ready to spash and play (he was very excited), and my girl was dressed in school clothes. When dropping the kids off, my husband did some quick thinking when he realized my error and put my son's swim trunks & t-shirt on my daughter and dressed our son in the extra clothes he had brought (much to my son's disappointment - he was NOT happy). In the end all was well - my son had a great day and is back in his swimsuit this morning for water play, and my daughter participated in her first and ONLY wet t-shirt contest in a very cool dinosaur t-shirt and Lightening McQueen swim trunks.
Meal planning and dinner prep has become harder since my time to fix a meal in the evenings is more limited. In addition, our family doesn't eat out much and doesn't like frozen dinners (at least, my husband & I don't)...so most nights I cook from scratch. What seems to take the most time is the prep - chopping, measuring, etc, not the actual cooking.
My goal over the next couple of weeks is to come up with a regimen that works well for both meals and organization- I'm going to try the following to see what works:
- chopping & prepping on the weekends so that all I have to do is cook on the weekdays
- planning for more leftovers so that there are fewer days I need to cook
- finding some more good crockpot recipes
- consolidating all the different calendars into one calendar/planner - seems I have 2-3 different calendars going at once, my work one, home/school one, and workouts/training schedule - they all need to be consolidated so I can see all our activities on a given day at a glance. I'm not sure if a paper or electronic format would be better.
I'll never have everything perfect and will always have a frozen pizza in the freezer in case of emergency, but I hope to have to use it less and less. :) We'll see!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
This incident happened a stone's throw from my kids' preschool. Thankfully they were at home yesterday and were not impacted by the tragedy. The school deserves kudos for the quick and efficient way they locked down and secured the school and got the kids out as quickly as possible. My husband was out of town yesterday and his absence combined with the incident really got me thinking. What would I have done if one or more of my kids had been affected or injured? Who could I have called? And on the other note (being that I teach at a university where crazy stuff happens more often than I would like) what if something like that happened here?
Although we love where we live, we definitely experience those moments of stress that comes from not having a great support system. Mostly it occurs when a child is sick or a car is in the shop. But it also occurs when we would love to share our joy. For my husband and I, it was very lonely after the birth of our first son when we were so excited and proud of our sweet baby boy and had few to share him with until my family arrived a few days later.
When tragedies happen, and I think that could have been me or my family, my thoughts go to the relationships I have with people: my husband, my kids, family, and friends. In the end it will probably be those relationships that we think of right before Jesus calls us home.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Craig's List
After the piano luck, I started browsing for dining room furniture since we wanted some eventually but were expecting it to be a while. After scrolling through the newer posts, I found an old one advertising a Thomasville dining room table & 6 chairs for $675 or best offer. Thankfully, the owner had been out of town for a few weeks and had gotten no bites until our call a few weeks after she posted it. Needless to say, I hastened to see it and snapped it up for less than the asking price. I absolutely love it and love that since it wasn't too $$$ I don't mind my kids being messy kids around it. It will be used!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Changes and New Challenges

Monday, July 5, 2010
A Home Arrival, Visit, and Race

Friday, July 2, 2010
Keeping Our Heads Above Water