This week was my oldest son's first week at his new school. We started him in the day program they offer before school starts so he could get used to the new environment and meet some of his classmates. He is loving it there and I have loved our conversations on the drive to and from school. Here are a few of the funnier conversations from the week.
1. No Hearts Please
When packing his lunch for the first day, I wrote him an "I love you. Have a great day" note on a heart shaped piece of paper. In the car after picking him up I asked if he got the note, fully expecting a hallmark moment filled with words of love and thanks. Instead he briskly replied, "Yes mom, I did. But, did you know you wrote it on a heart? I really don't like hearts. Next time could you please write 'I love you" on a planet shape instead?"
2. Education Talk
On the way from school to church on Wednesday my son asked, "Mom, you're a pharmacist, right?"
I replied in the affirmative. He then asked, "Daddy is an engineer, right?".
After I confirmed that he was correct he then asked, "What am I?".
Realizing that he was asking why he wasn't born with a profession, I launched into an epistle on how he was a kid and how his job right now is to go to school and learn and that mommy & daddy did the same thing when we were his age. He then wanted to know how much school we had to attend in order to obtain our current degrees. So, I discussed elementary through high school and then the various degrees we earned culminating in our doctorates.
He listened intently and then declared, "I think I want to be an astronomer. How much school would that take?".
I hesitantly told him that he would probably need a PhD and that it would take him until he was 26 or 27 to finish school. I fully expected him to dismiss the idea after considering how long it would take. When I finished, I looked down at his little face that was creased in concentration to see his reaction. He surprised me by looking up with a big smile and stating confidently, "Okay mom, that sounds great! I'll be an astrononer"
Ummm - okay - that was easy! One education talk done, 2 more to go with the other kids. Hope they go as well as the first one! Ha! ;)
Justin just said he hopes he can get a job from Matthew one day. HAHAHAHA!!!