
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Decorating and Doctors

This week has been a whirlwind of activity at our house.  While my husband and youngest were visiting family on the other side of the country, my older 2 kids and I were in the throws of a major kid room remodel.  So, after 3 days, 2 painters, 1 interior decorator, 3 trips to Sherwin Williams, and 3 trips to Hobby Lobby the project is finished!  My daughter has a new girlie green and pink room, my two boys have moved into a room together, the kids' bathroom is now green & yellow, and we have (drum roll please...this is my FAVORITE part) an organized and functional playroom!  No more toys all over!  It's SUCH a relief!

In addition to the decorating chaos, I went to back to the ortho doc for a follow up on my hip.  I was pretty nervous because toward the end of May it had started hurting again...pretty bad.  Like a good patient, I immediately stopped running, started the NSAID's, and had only run a few times since.

Thankfully, the ortho diagnosed my new hip pain as a strained muscle, declared my broken bone healed, and sent me on my merry way without need of a follow up appointment.  My first gleeful thought was, "I'll bet I could run a half marathon by October!".  That idea was quickly squashed by my realistic husband whose exact words were, "you're delusional..."  Oh well, I might be delusional (although I would prefer the term "overly ambitious") but I did enjoy a wonderful 5K run this morning thinking about all the races I could do in the future and being very thankful that I am no longer limited.

More doctor appointments followed with well child checks for my older two kids.  Both received a clean bill of health.  In more blessings my son, who had fallen off his growth curve last year, is tracking in the right direction and his BMI was back up.   Looks like the high fat/calorie diet is working!

My husband and I are headed out of town this weekend for a getaway with some friends (no kids!).  We have a couple of hikes planned for Saturday followed by some hot springs swimming and, of course, some good eats.  Can't wait!   

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