In other exciting news...people told me it would happen...I had my doubts...but it is starting to kids (although I am reticent to even mention it for fear that I'll jinx it) are becoming less picky eaters. My husband and I were dismayed when we, who are foodies who love all types of food, produced three picky eaters. We would sorrowfully shake our heads when they turned up their cute noses at stir fry, fish, vegetables, and all of the foods we used to love to prepare. Dinner became an exercise in self control as I would hear groans and moans and, "why can't we have pizza every night?" from my sweet little cherubs.
Suddenly, my older 2 have become more adventurous. It started one day when my daughter and I were grocery shopping and she was offered a sample of teriyaki grilled salmon. To my surprise, she gladly accepted the sample and ate the whole thing declaring it was "yummy!". I wrote that episode off as a fluke. Yet recently when served talpia, salmon, and even shrimp for dinners, my older 2 have devoured every bite and loved it. The littlest isn't quite as enthusiastic as the older two, but he has ceased to complain because I suppose it's no fun to complain alone without a backup chorus. The icing on the cake occurred on Friday night when our family was dining out and my oldest ordered something NEW from the menu...not the usual, not something we coaxed him into trying, but something that he read and thought sounded good...he ate every bite and loved it. It's a new era folks. Perhaps there are foodies inside those picky eaters after all. :)
In preparation for 2.5 years with a full time working husband who is also getting an MBA, I signed up for a few races to complete before his school starts. However, I planned poorly because the races are on back-to-back weekends in May! I run a 10K and then follow it up a week later with a sprint tri. All during the hustle and bustle of my older two kids' birthday weekends and graduation activities for work. Silly me! I suppose my ill planning will help me be bathing suit ready by summer. Needless to say, I'm following a strict training schedule and loving every minute. And, of course, like all other university faculty am REALLY looking forward to summer! Below are some pictures from our winter season! Hoping you all are well!
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