
Friday, December 17, 2010

Girl's Night Out, Snow, and the "Paper-News"

Last night was fun in several different ways.  First, last night was a pre-Christmas girl's night out.  We shopped and then ate dinner and chatted.  Love these nights out w/my friends - they are such a blessing to me!

The weather yesterday finally turned Christmasy!  We had snow on Thanksgiving, but then a warm snap had taken over.  Finally yesterday it turned cold & snowy!  It was snowing buckets when I was driving home from dinner last night.  Although not much accumulated, the beautiful snow really enhanced the holiday spirit!

My daughter is a night owl, so my husband let her stay up until I got home last night.  We have been letting her stay up a bit later than her brothers so we can get some one-on-one time with her (my boys are early to bed, early to rise kind of kids so they hit the hay a little after 7!).  Anyway so last night after I got home, she helped me open the Christmas cards we had received that day and asked to keep one of the letters.  She kept folding it and saying, "Look mommy!  It's a paypoo noose!".  My husband and I kept looking at each other wondering what in the world she was talking about until I asked, "Who else has one?".  She immediately grinned and said, "Papa!".  It was then that I realized she was saying "paper-news" and what she meant was a newspaper! She slept with her "paper-news" under her pillow and still had it with her at breakfast this morning. :)

1 comment:

  1. THAT is SO CUTE! I wish I had gotten her a newspaper subscription for christmas now! HA!
