
Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Usually the few days after Christmas are a bit hard for me.  Visitors have left (or if we were visiting, we're headed home), Christmas decorations come down, and mounds and mounds of laundry needs to be done.  It's the let down after the fun holiday season.

This year, my husband planned a short getaway for the 2 of us after Christmas which was such a wonderful idea for a couple of reasons.  One, it was nice to have something fun to look forward to after the Christmas festivities ended, and two, it was such a GREAT way for the two of us to recap 2010, plan for the upcoming year, and discuss things we want to work on, etc.  It was GREAT!

One of our resolutions is to do a better job of leaving work at work when we get home.  In this age of email and smart phones there is the potential to work 24/7 from anywhere at anytime.  While this is a perk in some ways, it's a detriment in others.  He and I are both guilty of working during what should be our family time in the evenings.  When you only have about 3 hours with the kids in the evenings between coming home from work & bedtime, every minute counts.

Another thing he and I are working on as a couple is joint teaching an adult Bible class.  He and I have different skills sets when it comes to teaching - he is far more of a didactic, lecture type instructor while I am much application focused.   We want to develop a Bible class with a didactic and application component.  We are working on developing the curriculum and hope to teach it next fall.

As for me, I am always looking for better ways to organize and become more efficient.  Two of my biggest struggles are meals and exercise.  For me, I have to exercise 5 days a week to manage stress - if I don't I can't sleep at night and I start feeling down.  I really need to do a better job getting it in before 6AM in order to maintain productivity over the rest of the day.  This is such a challenge for me b/c even though I'm an early riser I have a hard time jumping up out of bed and immediately hitting the treadmill.  I hope to get better at this over the next year - starting Monday (I'm on vacation until then)!

As far as meals, it's really really hard to plan and make healthy meals for my family with a busy work & family schedule.  I'm using the next few weeks to do a lot of reading on different eating styles, child nutrition, and meal planning techniques to hopefully improve this over the next year.  I'll share some of the things I find that work for us.

My resolution list continues with things like putting more time into my BSF study so that I can dive deeper into God's Word, and completing an Olympic distance triathlon this year just to name two.  With training and racing, I'm going to limit my training time to summer b/c that is when I have the most time. Trying to train during the semesters just adds stress to our already busy lives and eats into family time.  So, I've set my sights on an Olympic tri in Sept and will hit the training hard at the end of May.

So much to think about for 2011!  Happy New Year!

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