Well, after a few weeks of trying to fit in cleaning around everything else, I've thrown in the towel and decided to keep my house cleaner. However, I think I may see if we can back off to once a month rather than every 2 weeks. What changed my mind was the fact that she does all the deep/extra things that tend to get pushed to the wayside - polishing silver, cleaning the blinds, pruning the houseplants, etc. I can handle the usual scrubbing, dusting, vacuuming, etc - but fitting time in for the extras is tough.
Of the professional side of things, I'm studying for a specialist certification that I've wanted for a while. The exam is in October so I have seven months to prepare - and I will need them all! I made a study schedule and have formed a study group with some colleagues who are studying for the same test. I'm excited about this new challenge and really really hope I pass the test - it's been a while since I've taken a test of that magnitude so I'm nervous!
As far as triathlon training, I'm working it in to the family schedule. Unfortunately, I am little off schedule this week b/c of a cold, but after resting today hope to be back on it tomorrow. This has been a hard winter in our house as far as viruses (I blame my sweet, germy 18 month old - he usually brings them home) so I'm very glad to see the start of spring. We are about to head out for a trip to visit family. It will be great to catch up with them and get to see some old friends!
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