
Thursday, November 8, 2012

November? Already?

Is it November already?  Where did the last few months go?  Today for the first time in months I looked around and realized that I had a full 30 minutes free and decided to update my blog!

What have we been up to?  Where to begin???  School started with a bang in late August with my oldest in pre-first, my middle child in kindergarten, and my youngest in preschool.  In an interesting turn of events a couple of weeks ago, my oldest's teacher and principal approached me about moving my son to first grade.  After a smashingly successful trial run, he officially began his first grade adventure 2 weeks ago and is loving it!  Have I mentioned how much I love my kids' school?  If not, let me just say, I LOVE IT! ;)

In other big news, the tooth fairy started visiting our house!  I must say, she is reimbursing for teeth at a MUCH higher rate than she did when I was at that stage!  I suppose it must be inflation.  No matter what the reason, she must be quite well off these days.  ;)

October brought us our "summer" vacation!  We intended to visit Disneyland this past summer, but could not resist the great deal we got for an October trip.  So, we pushed our vacation back a few months and were rewarded by a Disneyland hotel upgrade to a huge suite and fewer crowds.  It was wonderful!  Below are a few pictures.

Adjusting to having multiple kids in multiple activities took some time this fall!  Our schedule is, Monday, swimming; Tuesdays, gymnastics & swimming; Wednesday, kickball, Thursday off - hooray; Friday, karate and sometimes swimming.  Whew!  We did take some breaks from a few activities.  Neither of my older 2 wanted to play soccer this season and my daughter decided to take a break from ballet since she is more interested in gymnastics, swimming, kickball, and karate.  

Halloween was a blast!  Mario, Luigi, and the cutest cow had a blast trick or treating and are still enjoying their loot.

Lastly, for my husband and I things are going swimmingly.  I am currently going up for promotion to associate professor (from assistant) and was burning the midnight oil getting my packet ready earlier this fall.  Praying that it goes well and that I receive good news in the spring.  Other than that, I am thrilled to be running on a healed, mostly pain-free hip and completed a 10K in October.  I continue to lift weights 3-4 times a week and still do muscle flex moves in front of the mirror for the pure enjoyment of seeing muscles that didn't used to be much of anything pop out (much to the amusement of my husband).

Recently, my husband made a career decision to go back to school to get an MBA.  He is currently in the process of applying to executive MBA programs and I am praying that he gets in and that the next couple of years go smoothly.  I am so proud of him!  Exciting times!  Hope you all are well!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So Long for a While!

Well, as you probably can tell, blogging hasn't been at the top of my priority list for a while.  Like most hobbies my interest in blogging has waxed and waned and right now, I'm most definitely waning.  A break will be welcome.  So long for a while!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Decorating and Doctors

This week has been a whirlwind of activity at our house.  While my husband and youngest were visiting family on the other side of the country, my older 2 kids and I were in the throws of a major kid room remodel.  So, after 3 days, 2 painters, 1 interior decorator, 3 trips to Sherwin Williams, and 3 trips to Hobby Lobby the project is finished!  My daughter has a new girlie green and pink room, my two boys have moved into a room together, the kids' bathroom is now green & yellow, and we have (drum roll please...this is my FAVORITE part) an organized and functional playroom!  No more toys all over!  It's SUCH a relief!

In addition to the decorating chaos, I went to back to the ortho doc for a follow up on my hip.  I was pretty nervous because toward the end of May it had started hurting again...pretty bad.  Like a good patient, I immediately stopped running, started the NSAID's, and had only run a few times since.

Thankfully, the ortho diagnosed my new hip pain as a strained muscle, declared my broken bone healed, and sent me on my merry way without need of a follow up appointment.  My first gleeful thought was, "I'll bet I could run a half marathon by October!".  That idea was quickly squashed by my realistic husband whose exact words were, "you're delusional..."  Oh well, I might be delusional (although I would prefer the term "overly ambitious") but I did enjoy a wonderful 5K run this morning thinking about all the races I could do in the future and being very thankful that I am no longer limited.

More doctor appointments followed with well child checks for my older two kids.  Both received a clean bill of health.  In more blessings my son, who had fallen off his growth curve last year, is tracking in the right direction and his BMI was back up.   Looks like the high fat/calorie diet is working!

My husband and I are headed out of town this weekend for a getaway with some friends (no kids!).  We have a couple of hikes planned for Saturday followed by some hot springs swimming and, of course, some good eats.  Can't wait!   

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weight Training 101

It was May 10th when I excitedly met a huge Greek personal trainer named Nikko at my gym who put me through my first weight training session.  At the time I was a little smug thinking it would be easy.  After all I'm a former marathon runner and triathlete.  By the time I left I was a humbled, exhausted sap with shaky, twitchy muscles who was embarrassed by how weak I really was.  I was in pain for 3 days afterward (serious pain!).  Since then I have been dutifully training 3-4 times a week and have learned a lot in the process.  In my opinion there are distinct pros and cons to weight training.  In 5 weeks of training I have increased the weight on each exercise by 10 pounds, am up to 20 reps per set and and up to 4 sets per exercise.  For reference when I started, I was doing 12-15 reps & 3 sets of each exercise.

So what are the pros you ask?  Below is the list from my perspective.

Being Stronger: You're probably thinking "well, duh!", but I have noticed an increase in overall strength and stamina during my cardio workouts and in general daily activities.  In general, I am a stronger person.  My core and back are stronger, as are my legs & arms.  It's a really good feeling!

Muscle Tone  I am able to see definition in areas that I formerly could not.  The most noticeable areas are my arms and upper legs (the thigh/glut area).  Both areas are larger in circumference but tight (especially my arms) and toned.  When I put sleeveless shirts I do a few Arnold Schwarzenegger "muscle moves" just to see the muscles pop out on my arms - super fun!  My husband caught me doing that this morning and got a good laugh - it was a little embarrassing!

Walking Taller:  Another perk has been an improvement in my posture.  I caught a glimpse of my reflection as I was walking down the hall at work one day last week and noticed that my back is straighter and my shoulders are lower and further back.  This was so pleasing that I added a little strut to my walk.  Too bad the only place I was going was the bathroom.

Filling out clothes:  One of the first things I noticed a few weeks after starting to train is that my clothes fit differently, specifically skirts and pants.  They are looser around the waist but a little more snug around the rear and thighs.  I absolutely love this!  I haven't noticed much difference in shirts except for it being more fun to wear sleeveless shirts and dresses. 

Stress Relief & Satisfaction:  Okay, I have discovered that weight training is a FANTASTIC way to blow off steam (better than running) and is incredibly satisfying!  There is nothing like pushing through and a tough set when your muscles are screaming to quit and the only thing that forces you to keep going is your will.  Now I know why the big scary dudes lifting in weight training area look so determined and mean.  It's hard work!!  But so very satisfying!  I now feel a little kinship with the big scary dudes (although I still never make eye contact).

As with anything there are a few cons, these are the ones that I have noticed.

Weight Gain:  Okay, this one is specific to me.  Most people who weight train actually lose weight, but in my case I have actually put on about 2 pounds.  You are probably thinking, "two what?!?".  However, for me this has taken some getting used to because I keep a very tight reign on my weight and am only comfortable with a fluctuation of 2-3 pounds in either direction.  Right now rather than a dry weight baseline of 109/110, I'm closer to 111/112.  Nikko warned me about this when he sized me up during our first session.  He said, "You will likely not lose weight and you might even gain some but you will be the same size and your shape will change".  Honestly, I didn't believe him but he was right.  Oh Nikko, when will I trust that you know more about this than I do?

Soreness:  Okay, this is one of the definite cons.  You pretty much walk around all the time sore or stiff in differing areas from a recent workout.  This is because as you get stronger you continue to add weight or sets to keep challenging your muscles.  They say that frequent massages help, but my chintzy self is hesitant to fork over $200 a month to get a couple of massages.  I may start getting them more frequently (as in more than just annually) but haven't really looked in to it much.  Too bad massages aren't like frozen yogurts when after you buy some you get one free.  Now THAT would be nice!

So that is my review as a newbie to strength training.  Is it perfect?  No, but do the pros outweigh the cons?  You bet!  So that's my propaganda for weight training because like Hanz & Franz, I'm here to PUMP (clap), YOU UP! Ha!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

End of Year Celebrations

My two older kids have been celebrating the end of the school year for the last week.  My daughter has graduated from pre-K to kindergarten and my son from kindergarten to pre-first.  Both have had a wonderful year and are excited about the fall.  The next school year will be a bit easier for me & my husband b/c all 3 kids will be at the same school!  Only one place to drop off and pick up!  Yippee!!

Summer is shaping up to be fun with swimming and gymnastics for the kids (we have a nanny, actually a "manny" over the summer), a weekend getaway for my husband and I, and a mommy weekend with my best friend that starts tomorrow.  And yes, I couldn't resist - I signed up for one triathlon toward the end of the summer.  Right now I'm focusing on weight training (which has been a great challenge - more on that later!) while still doing spin classes and twice weekly runs mixed in with some walks and swims.  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A New Fitness Challenge

Since being diagnosed with osteopenia a few months ago I have been doing a lot of research on bone health and specifically fitness and bone health.  I look at my daughter who, although it is a bit early to know for sure, seems to have inherited my small bones and worry that she may have bone health issues later in life.  I would love get her started on the right track to preserving her bone health as an adult.  Inevitably, my reading has pointed in the direction of strength training (AKA, weight training).

Now, those of you who know me know that I am a huge believe in evidence based medicine and reviewing literature on health care topics.  Unlike the literature we grew up reading (books, magazines, Internet articles), the literature to which I am referring is research articles published in peer reviewed journals.  Often you will find that there are popular books about all kinds of medical treatments, diets, and exercise plans; however, very few have actually been studied and shown effective.

I have been delighted to discover that there is a whole body of literature published in peer reviewed journals on strength training which naturally gives it far more credit in my mind.  While I usually don't recommend books on health topics, the below book is an exception in that captures the essence of the literature. 

Anyway, my goal this summer is to dedicate 3 days a week to strength training in the hopes that it not only improves my bone density but leads to overall better muscle balance and strength.  In anticipation of this, I recently renewed my gym membership and scheduled some sessions with a personal trainer to learn how to use the equipment and create a workout. 

Working this into my schedule will be a bit of a challenge because although I work out 5-6 days a week, I do cardio (running, biking, walking, or the elliptical trainer) from home or around the neighborhood for 30 mins to 1 hour and fit it in sometime between the lunch packing, breakfast making, drama managing that accompanies our daily morning routine.  Adding strength training will necessitate me cutting back on the amount of time dedicated to cardio 3 days a week and also setting a standard time to get to the gym even earlier in the morning (I'm anticipating needing to get to the gym by 5AM).

Although strength training introduces some new scheduling challenges, I'm excited to tackle it!

Monday, March 26, 2012

March Madness

Happy spring!  I am taking a break from my biannual kids' closets cleaning to drink some decaf and update my blog.  My upstairs is littered with piles of clothing destined either for the washing machine, a storage bin, goodwill, or for the son of one of our residents at the hospital who happens to be the perfect age for hand-me-down boy clothes.

March is one of my favorite months because the days get longer, the desert is blooming, and the weather is gorgeous!  As for goings on at our house, my eldest started t-ball this month and is enjoying it so far.  He has his first round of games this weekend.  He is also finishing up his second round of swim lessons in preparation for summer swim team.

We recently decided last to send my oldest to pre-first grade rather than first grade next year.  I expect that my middle child will follow the same path next year.  It is such a blessing that our school offers a pre-first program because I have wondered over the last year or two if having a little extra time for growth and maturity wouldn't be a good thing for both my older two kids since they are younger in their classes.  I am so thankful to be able to give them both that extra time.

My daughter's interest in gymnastics was sparked last weekend when she and I were watching a competition on TV.  So starting in May she'll be taking weekly classes at a local gym.  I'm excited for her and can't wait to see how she likes it!

My youngest is growing up too quickly!  Words turned to phrases around Christmas and have now morphed into full sentences.  Although I keep mentioning the potty to him, he has been indifferent.  Little does he know that mommy has an agenda and I'm washing a whole load of 2T briefs today and stocking up on M&M's in preparation for potty training.

As for me, I had a dexa scan (bone scan) earlier this month and discovered that I have osteopenia.  This is a precursor to osteoporosis and is not common in someone my age.  While I was not thrilled to get this diagnosis, it was a relief to have an explanation for my hip fracture.  My provider and I believe it is likely due to having 3 very closely spaced pregnancies compounded by the fact that I'm not very big.  Thankfully, it is likely reversible.  So, like  good patient I've nixed caffeine & dark colored sodas (I used to LOVE an ice cold diet Dr. Pepper), increased my calcium and D consumption, and made a few other changes.  So far so good!  Other than that, my hip feels better every week so I am able to run more - Hooray!

Happy spring to you all!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

For the Love of Cooking

My love for cooking ebbs and wanes much like a pregnancy craving.  There are weeks and even months when I love putting together meal plans for my family and delight in trying new recipes.  There are other weeks when hearing the question, "What's for dinner?" is enough to push me toward a psychotic episode.

Much to my husband's delight, I have been in the former state of mind toward cooking since the new year. Below is my meal plan for this week.  I still follow the rule of cooking 3-4 times /wk and making enough for leftovers.  We eat out or get takeout once a week, usually on Saturday.

On my meal planner, I also note which evenings I plan to have after-dinner treats for my family - denoted with a (t).  Treats are anything from fruit& whipped cream to hershey kisses to cupcakes.  However, as a rule we don't eat treats every night.  I use the freezer for all our candy and baked treats.  For example, when I made valentines cupcakes a few weeks ago we each had one on Valentines Day and then I froze the rest.  I do this with all homemade treats and chocolate.  On a treat night, I can pick something from the freezer and thaw just enough for everyone to have a small serving.  Right now my treat freezer section is empty so I may need to remedy that this weekend. :)

This plan has worked well for me since our hectic weekdays don't allow a plethora of time in the evening for meal prep and cooking.  Below is my meal plan and some links to the recipes.  Happy Cooking!

Sunday: chicken spinach pasta bake & Caesar salad
Monday: pork medallions & roasted vegetables (t)
Tuesday: grilled chicken tenderloins, mac & cheese, and green beans
Wednesday: leftovers
Thursday: leftovers (t)
Friday: leftovers (if any) & vegetable stuffed loaded baked potatoes
Saturday:  Out (t)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Brief Update

I want to apologize to my family who are probably a bit frustrated at my lack of posting lately.  I have every intention of putting a little something up here from time to time, but finding a few minutes to do that has been tough lately.  Here is a quick rundown of the goings on at our house.

My husband and I are playing musical chairs between all the committees we're chairing or members of between work and church right now.  He and I were asked to chair the elder selection committee at church and he is in the throws of the usual hustle and bustle of things at his work.  I am currently chairing 2 committees at work, one of which is a search committee for an open faculty position.  Things picked up quick for this in January when we began reviewing applicants and bringing them in for interviews.  On top of that, the residency committee, of which I am a member, is interviewing residents for the upcoming year.  Therefore, in addition to 4 faculty interviews which last 2 days each, I have to interview potential residents several times over the next month.  Needless to say, things are BUSY!

My oldest son is happily trekking through kindergarten.  He is testing for a higher belt in karate next week.  His primary hurdle is being a bit scared of sparring.  Those of you who know my son probably understand that he is anything but aggressive and the thought of hitting a friend (no matter how padded they are with gear) goes against his gentlemanly, sensitive nature.  However, he is determined to get to the next level so we will see.  He is also signed up for spring t-ball.

My middle child read her first book this week.  She was so proud of herself (and had two proud parents as well!).  What made this such a milestone is that she has been reading words, sentences, and phrases for a while but hasn't had the desire to focus for the time needed to complete a whole book.  She decided to read one of her brother's books that he had brought home from kindergarten (I think that had something to do with her motivation) last week, and she focused and read the whole thing!

My baby who is now almost 2 and a half (sniff, sniff) has become quite the chatter box and dancer.  Unlike his brother, aggression comes naturally to our youngest and is often the source of his time-outs.  His favorite evening activity is dancing to our just dance kids Wii game.  Of course, since his mama also loves to dance, our evenings are a party! :)

Well, that's all the news from here.  Oh, I've been easing back into running.  It's slow going but that is okay.  It is just such a joy to be able to run again!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


"If it's not broken, why is it still hurting you?", were the texts I received from both my sister and husband minutes after sending them my elated, "My hip isn't broken anymore!!!" text sitting in the exam room of my ortho's office.  I hadn't actually seen the doctor yet, but had asked the intake nurse to print out the most recent MRI report for me as quick as she said hello.  Happiness & relief filled my heart when the "impressions" section read, "No sign of fracture or necrosis".  This was a good thing b/c both were present on my MRI from a few months ago.  In my relief and happiness I skipped over the section that said, "fluid visible..."

After receiving those back-to-back texts from husband and sister, and after exchanging quick pleasantries with my otho, I demanded, "if it's not broken, why does it still hurt?"  Just FYI, the hurt has definitely improved.  What was once a sharp, catch-your-breath, grit your teeth kind of pain has dulled to a steady ache that worsens if I step wrong or wear high heels.  My ortho smiled, pointed me to the section of the MRI report that I had skipped over, and said cheerfully, "See how much swelling there still is?  Your hip won't start to feel better for another 3-6 months".  We then went on to negotiate a rehab program that would allow me to ease back into running ending with a stern raised-eyebrow warning, "You don't want this to happen again, do you?"

Well, orthos know best and he was right.  I ran a bit on the treadmill the next day (very slowly as instructed) and while my hip didn't hurt while running, it ached for days afterwards.  My rehab program will likely be even slower than anticipated.  Despite that, I'm okay with it simply because I have an explanation.

As a Christian, I am okay accepting things on faith.  In fact, I daresay my faith has more of an impact on me than explanations.  However, as far as my once-broken-now-healed-but-still-hurting-hip goes, having an explanation was a very good thing!