
Monday, February 28, 2011


Since my husband took his new job last summer he has been traveling a bit more.  Thankfully it hasn't been as bad as we initially thought it would be and usually the trips are only 2-3 days long.  Although we don't like it when he is gone, we have adapted and set up a routine while Daddy is away.  On this last trip of his, I noticed that being alone with the kids isn't as daunting and tiring as it used to be.  Before when my husband would travel, I would go into survival mode and just pray to make it through the day to bedtime and then collapse into bed exhausted after working and caring for a 4 (kids & dog).  This time, I actually enjoyed my time with the kids.  We took long trips to the library, watched movies, played games, and ate quick yummy meals like grilled cheese or pizza.  My older two are pretty good company these days and I no longer feel "alone" when my husband is gone.  Below is a picture of my "buddies" one evening when the baby was already in bed and we were enjoying some "chocolate" before bedtime - chocolate milk for them, hot chocolate for me.  The picture quality is terrible b/c it was a quick snap with my phone, but it captured the moment. 

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