As a "perk" of being on faculty, I'm often asked to help students on their projects. One afternoon I was working in my office when some students knocked on the door and asked if I would help them with a video on immunizations for a project in another class. Below is the link to their final project - apparently, this video won a little award amongst their classmates & the faculty. I laughed pretty hard watching it - it's pretty entertaining! Thankfully, they got most of the information correct. ;) My participation was minimal, but I always enjoy helping out the students. Another reason why I absolutely love what I do for a living - it's a lot of fun!
P.S. If you need information on immunizations, pay attention to the video. Remember that when you receive an immunization, you're not only benefiting yourself but are positively affecting the health of the general public. ;)
Whooo!!! They're CUTE TOO!!!! HAHAHA!