
Monday, May 2, 2011

Snow in May & Update

The weather here took a crazy turn yesterday when the temperature dropped and a front moved into the area.  What did we get....SNOW!  Not only did it snow yesterday but is snowing again this morning.  What a crazy start to the month of May!
As an update on us, the busy month of April has tapered off into a much slower paced but event filled May.  May is a festive month for us because it contains 2 birthdays and our wedding anniversary.  In addition, as a faculty member May is full of final grades & graduation activities, and for those who participate in triathlons (for some reason, I can't seem to call myself a triathlete - that would indicate that I'm good rather than merely a survivor), May kicks off the tri season!

As I mentioned before my oldest's birthday party is this weekend (solar system themed) and I still have plenty on my to-do list to prepare.  In addition, this Sunday is also my first tri of the season.  Our friends from Denver are coming down for the weekend and my friend K is doing the tri as well!  We love them so much and can't wait to see them!

As far as the tri goes, I am not nearly as well prepared as I would like to be.  I haven't been in the pool in about a month and most of my bike training has been indoors on a trainer.  While that's par for the course for the first race of the season, I hope that I'm prepared enough to enjoy it.  Thankfully, the weather is supposed to be a warm sunny 80 by the weekend.  Please no more snow!  :)

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