
Monday, May 9, 2011

Solar System Party, Mother's Day, & a Triathlon

We had a great weekend!  Some dear friends of ours from Colorado came down.  We had my son's 5th "solar system" themed birthday party which was so much fun!  Lastly, we celebrated Mother's Day by a great triathlon in the AM, and brunch/movie in the afternoon.  What an awesome weekend!

My son's solar system party was a blast.  We had a solar system cake, hunting for fallen "asteroids" (balls of aluminum foil hidden in the yard), rocket shooting (water, alka seltzer & film canisters - amazing and so fun!  Those "rockets" shot up to 15-25 feet in the air.  Many are still on our roof), and a rocket pinata.

Sunday morning started bright and early for the first triathlon of the season.  Here we are pre-race!
We had a great cheering section!

Overall I was content with my performance.  I had a rough start to my run b/c my stomach didn't feel great, but was able to deliver an 8:14 paced 3 miler, my bike leg went well except for a glitch clicking into my pedals when starting that leg (I tried something new where I had the pedals in place and then tried to get my feet in while already biking - not smart!  I almost fell twice and lost a couple of minutes b/c I to come to a complete stop & fix the problem).  So, my bike pace was 17:25, which was a little disappointing.  Swim time was adequate and I came in around 1:20 which is 2 minutes faster than my race time fro 2008.  At least I'm getting faster, not slower! :)
 We finished up Mother's Day with brunch at our country club and a movie.  Then we spent the evening playing with our kids and hanging out.  What an awesome weekend!

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