
Monday, June 6, 2011

Swimming, races, and work - Oh my!

Hard to believe that June is here already!  This week kicks off the first big week of swim team for us.  This is the first year that my kids are able to participate on our country club's pre-team.  They had their first practice Friday and have it once or twice a day from now until mid July. 

Adding swimming to our schedules has made me re-evaluate my own schedule.  I had signed up for an Olympic distance tri at the end of the summer and am now wondering if that was a good idea.  As my kids are getting older and as my & my husband's careers develop it's getting harder for me to train for races like I used to.  Quite honestly, I'm having a hard time with that.  For so long training for races and working to improve my times has been part of my identity and something I enjoy so very much.  From running races I transitioned to tri's and have loved every minute.  It's hard not to having the time to dedicate to training any more and it's becoming a bit of a stressful.

There are a lot of positives to this.  After all, the reason my time is limited is because my kids are growing and thriving and getting involved in more activities and school.  It's a blessing that I'm being asked to do more as a faculty member because frankly that means I'm doing a good job.  My department head just asked me to chair a search committee and I've already got another committee to chair, a new class to teach in the fall, and a podium presentation to deliver at a national meeting in a few weeks (presentation due this Friday - YIKES!).  My husband's career is going wonderfully as well and he loves what he does!  These are all good things!

So, I've decided to cut back on training and racing.  There is an all women's sprint tri at the end of August that I will do.  Instead of the Olympic tri, I've set my sites on 2 half marathons for the fall.  Training for a running race is MUCH more do-able b/c it's just one sport.  It's will be challenging but not stressful.  The best part - when I spend hours at the pool having fun today after only a quick workout, I won't feel guilty that I missed a training day - how nice!!! :) 

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